A fantastic article as always, thanks for sharing. I did want to make one observation, however and in making it, I confess that I do not know if it is applicable to this particular case in question. In my research, I have come across a few situations in which accessibility tools do in fact return 0 errors. While this is extremely rare, one such cause appears to be certain accessibility overlays which do something to block browser-based accessibility tools from running correctly. I presented on the topic of accessibility overlays during a past Axe-con and one of the sites I referenced in my presentation did exactly this when in fact the site contained numerous code-level accessibility issues that should have been flagged. Again, this may not be relevant to this particular case at all, but I felt it worth mentioning as unfortunately, it is possible to thwart accessibility tools in such a way that they return 0 errors. This is particularly unfortunate because it creates an even greater false sense of security. Again, thanks so much for yet another awesome article, I look forward to each and every one. :)

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Yes, it is possible for automated accessibility testing to return zero errors. It is not possible for it to return zero errors given some of the problems that were alleged in the complaint. That was the point I was trying to make, perhaps not clearly enough. Thanks for the kind words!

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